Pietrodangelo Production Group
Pietrodangelo Production Group is a digital media and digital film production firm with a diverse array of production experience and capabilities.
Established in 1984, the firm has produced a wide range of award-winning public awareness campaigns, commercial campaigns, film and video education programs, e-learning courses and interactive multimedia on varied topics, products and issues.
Health and human services and military and professional education are specialties of the firm, whose clients include a broad list of public and private interests, national and multinational corporations and governmental entities including The U.S. Naval War College, the Navy Professional Reading Program, U.S. Department of the Interior, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), General Dynamics Corporation, Columbia Health Care, (HCA) Humana Corporation, the Florida Governor’s Office, Better Homes and Gardens, Merillat Industries, the Florida Chamber of Commerce, the Florida League of Health Systems, The Florida Bar Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the Tallahassee - Leon County Community Recycling Program, numerous political candidates and nearly every Florida state agency.
For 12 years, beginning in the early 2000s years Pietrodangelo Production Group developed and produced digital learning, as a full-time contractor, for the prestigious U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. The courses were used in the Joint Chiefs of Staff’s, Naval Professional Military Education Program, providing continuing education for Naval officers throughout the world.
Creative excellence, technical proficiency and a keen attention to client satisfaction have earned the firm a solid reputation among Florida's independent producers. The firm has received widespread professional recognition for its work in video, film, print, audio (radio), interactive media, computer animation, photography, magazine editing and writing; garnering various national, regional and local awards in such competitions as the New York Festivals (Educational Documentary), Charleston Film Festival (Interactive/Web Category), Houston Worldfest (Interactive/Web Category), the prestigious AVA Digital Awards (e-learning), National Telly Awards, the Healthcare Advertising Awards, the Best in the East Awards, the Silver Microphone Awards, the Golden Image Awards, Angel Public Service Awards, the ADDY Awards, the Apex Awards and the National Society of
Newspaper Columnists, and others.
Pietrodangelo Production Group brings to its production projects sound message development, creative visual treatment, skilled execution and diverse experience.
Donato (Danny) Pietrodangelo - Professional Biography
Client List
Advanced Business Systems
Alaska Client Assistance Program
American Association of
Critical-Care Nurses
Amey Company, Inc.
Apalachee Center for Human Services
Area Agency on Aging
Archibald Enterprises.
Association for Retarded Citizens
of Florida
BellSouth Advanced Network
Benito Agency
Better Homes and Gardens
Bill Thomas Chevrolet
Bob Graham for Senate Campaign
Body Electric, Inc.
Braun Motors
Broad and Cassel
Cable News Network (CNN)
Canopy Road Software
Citizens' Crime Prevention
and Education Foundation
City of Tallahassee
Center for Professional Development
Coconut Grove Arts Association
Coloney Engineers
Communications Company,
Washington, DC
DeHaven Brett Equities
Developmental Disabilities
Planning Council
Educational Systems International, Inc.
Embassy of Belize
Embassy Home Entertainment, LA, CA
First Florida Bank
Florida AFL-CIO United Labor Association
Florida Association for Marriage
and Family Therapy
Florida Association for Retarded Citizens
Florida Association of Voluntary Agencies
for Caribbean Action
Florida Bar Association
Florida Cable Television Association
Florida Credit Union League
Florida Department of Children and Families
Florida Department of Corrections
Florida Department of Education
Florida Department of Health
Florida Department of Health
and Rehabilitative Services
Florida Department of Insurance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Florida Department of Legal Affairs
Florida Foundation for Excellence
in Education
Florida Engineering Society
Florida’s Future, Inc.
Florida History Associates
Florida Hospital Association
Florida Hospital Cost Containment Board
Florida Juvenile Justice Institute
Florida League of Hospitals
Florida League of Health Systems
Florida Lottery
Florida State University
Florida Supreme Court
General Dynamics
Girl Scout Council of the Apalachee Bend
Governor's Alliance on Transportation for the Disadvantaged
Governor’s Commission on Advocacy
for Persons with Disabilities
Governor’s Energy Office
Governor’s Square Mall -
The Rouse Corporation
Hercules Incorporated
HCA - Hospital Corporation of America
HCA - Coliseum Psychiatric Hospital
HCA - Gulf Coast Hospital
HCA - Marion Community Hospital
HCA - North Florida Regional
Medical Center
HCA - Palmyra Medical Centers
HCA - Tallahassee Community Hospital
Homes & Land Publishing
Hour Glass Optical
Humana Corporation
Illinois College of Optometry
Integroup, Inc.
ITT - Palm Coast
Legal Services of North Florida
Leon Association for Retarded Citizens
LoBuono Engineering
Mainstreet Productions, Washington, DC
March of Dimes
Men's Fashion Association, N.Y.
Merillat Industries
Modern Bridge Corporation
Museum of Florida History
National Association of Clinical Social
National Association of Home Builders
National Association of Social Workers
Naval Institute Press
New Wave Beverage Corporation
Office of the Governor, State of Florida
Orlando Regional Medical Center
Planned Parenthood
Presbytery of Florida
Printing House, Inc.
PYTKA, Venice, CA
Regional Marketing Corporation
Santa Fe Health Care Systems
St. Francis Wildlife
SKYCEI-Skyway Bridge Construction Engineering
& Inspection Consultants
Southeastern Fisheries Association, Inc. Sports Medicine of North Florida
Stafman, Edward Law Firm
SuperLube, Inc
Tallahassee - Leon County
Tallahassee Urban League
Task Force on Sexual Assault
Trak Engineering
Transportation Consulting Group
United States Agency for
International Development (USAID)
U.S. Naval War College
University of Haiti, Medical School
Upreach Rehabilitation Hospital
WTNT - Radio